Oldies 2017

Jim Robinson writes:

The Horseshoe Gang
The ever-young Oldies had another get-together in the Horseshoe bar on Friday 20th October.  The attendance was at a high level, just showing what the prospect of a pint, or two, in congenial company can do.
As of now, 13 Oldies have signed up for our return to Jessie Mac’s in Birnam in May and it looks quite likely that last year’s numbers will be exceeded.




Jim Robinson writes:

Hugh Hart
I recently attended the funeral of one of the Club’s super-oldies, Hugh Hart, who died last month at the age of 92. With his close friend, John Mortimer, he was a stalwart of the Club during the late !940s and the 50s. John, also 92 and in good health, was present and reminded me of the occasion, a few years ago, when Hugh and he had met Jim Hay and myself for a wee refreshment in the Horseshoe Bar.
Cycling still runs in the family as a couple of Hugh’s grandsons are active riders and I had the chance to speak to one of them, Marc Kelly, who, by co-incidence, had just won the Glenmarnock RR a couple of weeks before, riding for Johnstone Wheelers.

hughandjohn image

L to R; Back – Jim Robinson, John Mortimer, Hugh Hart, Sam Robinson, Davie Wallace
Back – Eddie McCabe, Tommy Walker, Tony Franchi

Jim Robinson writes:

Isobel Campbell Memorial Ride Sunday 3rd September 2017
The Oldies were out in some force to join in the Club’s commemorative ride for Isabel. Both start and finish were at the Kirkhouse Inn in Blanefield. The main ride went over the Top o’ the World, among other delights, but the Oldies contingent followed a route mapped out by Alistair McDonald which was much flatter and used quieter roads. All ended up back at the Kirkhouse for a light lunch and a short presentation from myself on Isobel’s cycling career. As well as a large representation of current members the Oldies numbered Ian Russell, Davie Reynolds, Alex Smith, Gordon Galloway, Denis Mitchell, Jim Wood, Davie Robb, Alistair McDonald and Alan Beveridge. Honorary Oldie Alistair Gow, ‘Big Al’ ,was also in attendance.



23/05/2017 Birnam
Davie Reynolds writes:

The Nightingale Oldies Highland Fling  – 2017 edition
Following the success of the Nightingale Oldies event in Aberfeldy last Spring, sixteen of the gang got together again between 15 and 20 May in Birnam for another week of cycling, reminiscences, story telling, good food and wine, shared friendship and often uncontrollable laughter The clubs new president Denis Mitchell was there along with Davie Reynolds, Bobby Boyes. Charlie Stewart, Bert Waugh, Davie Robb, Alistair McDonald, Jim Robinson, Alex Cameron, Alex Horn, Ian Russell, Jim Smith, Jim Wood, Gordon Galloway, Davie Smith and Tam Barr. Sadly Andy Graham had to call off.

Almost all of the guys, average age 70 plus, rode out together on a trip up to Pitlochry and back via some of the quieter Perthshire back roads, all done at a very respectable pace. The Sma Glen, Amulree and Aberfeldy were also visited and some of the guys even managed a round of golf at the demanding Dunkeld course. In the evening we were entertained by Ian Russell’s guitar and vocal rendition of Bob Dylan and Neil Young favourites, sometimes supported by an appreciative but tone deaf audience. On another evening a quiz night was masterminded and led by Charlie Stewart after a visit to the local curry house.

The big thing about the event was of course the people and their stories. There seems to be an inexhaustible fund of material from the sad, remarkable, emotional through to the near unbelievable and outrageous, all bound together by cycling and long lasting friendships. Six decades worth of it. The event even drew interest from past members in Australia including a wonderful spoof news item from Billy Roulston and best wishes from George McBean. George hopes to join us next year having been a key player in  last years Aberfeldy event.

The 2018 edition of what has affectionately been dubbed the Highland Fling is already in planning, 14-18 May, again at Jessie Mac’s Birnam. If there are any other former Gale Oldies out there who would like to take part let us know.


L to R: Ian Russell, Jim Robinson, Bobby Boyes, Jim Smith, Davie Reynolds, Alex Horn, Alistair McDonald, Tam Barr, Bert Waugh, Alex Cameron, Charlie Stewart, Davie Robb, Jim Wood, Gordon Galloway


L to R: Bert Waugh, Davie Smith, Alistair McDonald, Alex Horn, Alex Cameron, Davie Reynolds, Jim Wood, Davie Robb, Ian Russell, Charlie Stewart


L to R: Ian Russell, Davie Reynolds, Jim Wood, Alex Horn, Gordon Galloway, Alistair McDonald, Tam Barr, Denis Mitchell, Jim Smith


Waiting for dinner and the entertainment at the Taybank in Dunkeld
L t R: Alex Cameron, Jim Wood, Davie Reynolds, Charlie Stewart, Davie Robb, Denis Mitchell, Jim Robinson, Bert Waugh, Alistair McDonald, Jim Smith, Davie Smith

Jim Robinson writes:

Jim Hay
Sadly I have to report the death of Jim Hay. He passed away just shortly before his 84th birthday. A Life Member of the Club, he joined as a teenager just after the Second World War.
He was a prolific winner throughout his racing career and a hard worker in the Club’s interests at all times. Many older and former members of the ‘Gale have paid tribute to his impact on their cycling careers. One of nature’s gentlemen, he was an inspirational figure to all.
After the initial Oldies re-union in 2003 he and I set about developing the Club’s first website and brought that to a successful conclusion but, for the last five years or so, because of increasing bad health his interaction with the Club was increasingly limited. Nevertheless, he maintained his interest in its activities until the end.